Tuesday, January 16, 2018

AOW#1: That's Not My Phone, That's My Tracker

That's Not My Phone, That's My Tracker 

First Response Post (Due Tuesday, midnight)

solid blog response includes a well-formed opinion that references the text and your own experiences. It shouldn’t repeat a previous comment BUT extend the thinking beyond what’s already posted. ­
·         Grammar, spelling, and mechanics count
·         Self-check your post for clarity of thought
·         Keep in 3rd person
·         Avoid repeating the same information

Follow Up Response Post (Due Thursday, midnight)
Select two student’s posts and begin with whether or not you agree or disagree with their side. Extend the discussion with a new idea; don’t just repeat or summarize what the other person already posted. 

Question - Paragraph 6 discusses the various names that have been suggested for smartphones-- tracker, robot, minicomputer--and says,
                    This is not a semantic game. Names matter, quite a bit. In politics and advertising, framing is regarded as essential because what you call something influences what you think about it. That's why there are battles over the tag"Obamacare" and "death panels."

Is it true that the name of something influences the way you think about it? Does influence the way you use it? What effect do you think changing the name of the device will actually have?


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  2. The way something is named definitely influences the way people think about it. For example if smartphones were to be called a “Trackers” as the article, “That’s No Phone. That’s My Tracker” by Peter Maass and Megha Rajagopalan, had said than people would be less likely to use them because they would fear the thought of someone from the government or possibly the black market stalking them and potentially spying on their private life. Thus leading the name of a product to have a greater influence on people and how they use it because the consumers would be more weary of what they search, text, call, or store on their phones. People would be more likely to use their phones less and less in order to stay out of sight from those who lurk through their private affairs. Changing the name of the device depending on what it is might prove to be beneficial or detrimental. For instance, if the name "Smartphones" changed to “Trackers” as the article had called them, than people would not buy them but rather use prepaid cellphones that can be easily disposed and that are not connected to the user by means of identification. However, if the name of the product where to remain the same in this case people would continue using their smartphones without any worry and continue to increase the sales of the product.

    1. I agree, I think that the name of something definitely changes the way that people perceive it. Tracker already has a negative connotation to it because people immediately think about being followed when they hear it and nobody wants to be watched at all times. I also agree that if we were to change the name of cellphones and call them trackers, that the amount of them being purchased would drastically diminish.

    2. I agree with you when you say that if the name of smartphones were to stay the same without a worry, sales would remain the same or increase. I do believe though that in today's society people are becoming more aware that our phones track our every move. Since society is more aware of this, the sales of this product might start declining in the upcoming years without the name changing.

    3. I agree that the an individual’s personal life is a large factor when people are determining names for a product. No one would want to make a product that would make the consumer worry that their right to privacy is being violated. Producers change the name of products so consumers do not think about the any negative effects that can occur.

    4. I completely agree with you that the name of a product matters to society. If cellphones had its name changed to "Trackers" many people would lose interest in it because people do not want to be watched and would like to have a private life without feeling violated. I also agree that people would switch to a prepaid device instead in order to be sure every move they make is not being tracked by anyone.

    5. I agree with you when you were talking about people’s lives taking a toll in deciding products and names for a product. I don’t think anybody wants to be tracked, so a product called a tracker would not sell as well as a product called a phone. Nobody wants their privacy violated.

    6. I like how you brought up the fact that changing the name could turn out to be either beneficial or detrimental. The reality is that we can’t predict the outcome, but I do agree that people would probably become more aware of what they do on their phones and what information to store inside, as to prevent anyone from spying on their personal life.

    7. I agree with you when you said people will start using these cellphones less and less just because of a name change. Calling smartphones “trackers” will affect the overall supply and demand of all smartphones. People don’t usually want to use a product that has a negative association with it, and by calling these devices “trackers, people won’t want to own one anymore and the smartphone businesses will start to struggle. By keeping the name, smartphone, all of the businesses will continue to grow.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. The name for things should not influence the way an individual thinks about how an item should be used. However, people are more conscious about how an item is used if it seems like something that can negatively affect how they go about their lives. The name of an item has the power to alter a person’s mindset based on the mood the word gives off. Changing the name of a device can basically change the definition of a word depending on how it is used. Changing the name of a word to make individuals perceive it differently would allow public figures to influence the population if they can appease them. Cell phone tracking is viewed as a negative by many people because of how it takes away from a person’s right to privacy, which is why developers like Jacob Appelbaum refers to cell phones as “minicomputers” to avoid criticism from the public about them being tracked.

    1. I agree, I do not think that the name of an item should change the way that people think that it should be used. Though, I do not think that we should look at something for what it does, I think that we should be thinking about the other things that it is capable of doing. I believe that if people were to stop focusing on the typical use of something, then we would be much more aware of what really is going on and what our device is really doing.

    2. Expanding on your statement, I believe that a lot of people are actually aware of the other capabilities a phone can have, but they choose to buy it anyways because everyone else has done so already. At the same time, they are also so dumbfounded on the other features (games, music, etc.) that it can come with, that they just ignore the other facts.

    3. I agree with your statement especially when you said the name of an item shouldn’t change the way individuals see that item. Adding onto this statement some might believe that changing the name to be more honest to the item sheds more light on what the item is really doing in people's everyday life. For example people who are less educated about Obamacare would not read more about it, unless the name was changed to something more honest/appealing like, “death panels.”

  5. The name of something will influence a person’s desire to get something or to use it. People want a name that is tasteful, when people think of their cell phone they generally think of talking to their friends or being entertained on social media but if people were to change the name of the cell phone to something like tracker or robot, it would likely draw people away. The author argues that it should be called these things because it is what our cell phones really are when he says, “it would make sense to call … [cell phones] what they are so we can fully understand what they do” (Maass 16). While it is understandable that it would make more sense to call it what the author believes its main purpose is, cell phone users would never favor that because tracker has a negative connotation for most people, it makes them think of their parents tracking where they are going to get them in trouble and it would probably make them more hesitant to buy it; Even though people already know their phone tracks them, it is more favorable to push that thought away and ignore it. Marketing is a huge influence on whether or not people will buy a product so a name that seems distasteful could potentially ruin a product making it highly unlikely society would ever change the name of a cell phone to something like mini computer, robot, or tracker. If the name of milk were called cereal water or baby cow food, it would probably turn people off from it just like calling a cell phone a tracker might turn people away from it. The title of something will influence people’s thoughts on it.

    1. I completely agree with you that names can make us think of a product n a negative or positive way. I like the example that you used because they are very true. Reading "cereal water" makes me think of milk in a different way and makes it seem unappetizing. I also like the quote you used too because it explains how people would see their cellphone differently if it was named tracker.

    2. I agree with your mention about marketing, because we are influenced by commercials, ads, etc. everyday. Many times we don't notices that these factors affect our decisions and the way we think about certain things in this case cellphones. When the just came out nobody could think of calling them trackers, however since today we have more knowledge of what these devices can do we are able to call them differently.

    3. I agree, the connotation behind a name greatly influences the items ability to sell in the marketing world. People are definitely aware that they are being tracked on their cell phones so by keeping the name as it is people can take comfort behind the name and easily ignore the fact that they are being tracked. Therefore, if the name were to be changed to “Tracker” people would have a constant reminder of their phones ability and people would lose their sense of security towards their phones. Thus potentially leading cell phone sales to decline.

    4. I agree that the connotation of a name is really important when it comes to marketing. Most definitely know they are being tracked through their phones, and just accept it because they have grown so attached to the object. Since phones have become so addicting it makes the fact we are being tracked easier to just ignore. Thus, changing the name to tracker would probably change the way people feel about the object because nobody wants to be tracked.

    5. I agree that the names of a product influences its ability to be sold in the market to consumers. Most people know that they are being tracked by their cellphones but have adapted to their device. Some people do not care if they are being tracked unless they are at some location that they should not be at. I really like the quote you used because if cellphones were to be called "trackers" some people may lose interest in the object.

    6. I agree with you on the relation of names of a product to sales. The catchy name of a product is the only reason it sells in the first place. Phones do so much more than tracking so nobody really cares to the point of being tracked in the background. Changing the name to tracker would decrease sales and decrease trust in the community of that product and any other product a company makes after that.

  6. I think that the title of something will influence someone's thoughts on it and the way that they use it. People want things that sound appealing. A cellphone is a tracker, but if it were to be called that it would spark negative thoughts towards cellphones. When someone hears cellphone, they think about texting with friends or using social media. They do not think about having their location and all of their personal information tracked. Though, when you hear tracker, you think of something or someone following you and knowing every little thing that you do. While a cellphone technically is a tracker, the two words give off very different meanings.

    1. I agree with you on the fact that people are attracted to things that sound nice. But at some point in life, they realize that not everything that sounds nice actually is nice. I see it as elderly people who take this kind of stuff more seriously because they aren't used to the technology we have in this generation. Opposed to someone, say a millennial, tracking isn't anything new. But the thought of having a phone, preferably one with touchscreen, is more important to them.

    2. I disagree with you when you say that people think a cellphone is about texting and social media. People have to have a clue that they are used for tracking due to the apps they download for their banking needs, and how they are able to share their location with people whenever they want. Now-a-days television shows and social media are speaking our more about the government watching us through our devices that if the name of smartphones was changed to trackers I doubt there would be a big difference in smartphone sales.

    3. Dont people kind of know they are being tracked in the back of their head though? Every time someone goes to use the maps on their phone it shows them exactly where they are. If that is not a clear indication that you are easily tracked then there is a bigger problem.

    4. I agree with Jacob when he says people already know they are being tracked, they might just not want to admit it. There are many instances where people think their smartphone knows a little too much information, but they don’t do anything about it because that’s just how things have always been ever since these smartphones existed. People just go with it because no one wants to affect the flow of the norm.

  7. The name of something definitely influences your opinion over it. However, I believe that in some cases, the reputation that a certain name might already have would also greatly influence your way of thinking. In cases such as phones, Apple is deemed to be the most popular amongst all other competing companies/brands. If someone were to talk about a Nokia, many people would say that it’s garbage because it’s old and outdated. For someone who might not even know what a Nokia is or looks like, they would make a formulated opinion based on the reputation other people have given it. The name of something, however, might not necessarily influence how people use the product. What influences the use of it is the product itself. But changing the name of a product or device might attract other people to buying it or, at least, checking it out. At the same time, it can also prevent people from buying it, as it may contain negative phrase. Paul Ohm, a law professor at University of Colorado, states that people might not care for the secretive features a phone or any other product might have. What matters to them is that it’s new and updated. To which, I’d say, people should think more critically of the costs and benefits of a purchase.

    1. I agree with your statement because an individual’s mindset can easily be manipulated by others if there is an issue that directly impacts their life. Not many people think too deeply about the importance of a name for a product, which is why a lot of people are split when determining the actual function of a product. However, people will more than likely accept the name that seems like it will negatively affect their lives because no one wants to deal with consequences that may arise.

  8. Although judging something based off it’s name seems bad, most people do it all the time. Names have a huge influence in one’s judgement toward something. This can refer to all sorts of things such as cars, clothing, and accessories. Personally, with certain products I am guilty of judging stuff based on it’s name, but while doing this I also judge the stuff based on it’s quality. Based off the article “That’s No Phone, That’s My Tracker”, if the name of “smart phones” were to change to “tracker” the use of smartphones would not really decline. The article makes a point that society cannot live without their phones: “Turning it off when you’re not using it will also help, but are you really going to do that?”. Our society is so into our smartphones that changing the name would not get us off of them. Especially kids who grew up in the generations of smartphones, they already know that their phones are used as trackers by their parents, and with shows such as “Black Mirror” and books like “1984” society has already been told their phones are trackers, but nothing is done to fix it. Therefore changing the name to “trackers” probably would not make much of a difference.

    1. I like the way you thought about this. It is completely different from what I said, although I don't disagree. You brought up a good point about how people will most likely still use a cellphone if the name was changed, and after some thought I think you're right. People rely on their smartphones for so many thins that changing the name probably will not stop them. Although do you believe people would use them differently?

  9. The name of something definitely influences the way we think about it. If something is named in what we believe to be negative, for example something associated with death, we will think negatively about it. Same goes for a positive name, that is how we will think about it. When someone hears the word “tracker”, they think of someone watching them, and invading their privacy. If the name cell phone was changed to tracker, then many people would be less inclined to buy one. They would feel that their privacy is being constantly invaded, more so if the name was changed because they would be more aware of it. When we hear the word cell phone we don't think of it constantly tracking us and recording our every move, although that would all be brought to people's attention if the name was changed. People would become more conscious of how and when they use their phone because all they would think is; someone is watching me.

    1. I like how you used the negative and positive aspect of this because it showed me a new perspective of it. I agree on how you said the Negative words that relate to death and then the positive words. If someone says the word suffer then it has a negative connotation and your brain instantly thinks of terrible things. This definitely relates to the tracker and phone situation in the article!

    2. I completely agree with the way you said that positive and negative words are associated with how we think about it. I like how you brought up the fact that changing the name to “tracker” would create this fear of being watched because the word tracker mainly has a negative connotation to it, causing people to be more cautious and aware.

  10. The name of something definitely influences the way people think about it. There are a lot of words that are synonyms with others, but have a different connotation to it. Take “cellphone” and “smartphone” for instance. For the most part, they are the same thing, but when people hear the word “cellphone” there are a lot of different ideas that come to their head. From the first cellphone ever made to the iPhone or Android cellphones today, the category is very broad. On the other hand, when people hear “smartphones,” their minds automatically go to iPhones or Androids because they are handheld personal computers, unlike the first cellphone made that was only able to make calls. What people call it also influences the way people use it. Say, if someone has a flip phone, they aren’t going to be using it the same amount of time as someone would if they had an iPhone because it can’t do as much. If people start calling cellphones, “trackers,” people will probably not want to own one anymore because they will always be reminded that they are constantly being tracked, rather than the occasional reminder like there is today.

    1. I totally ageee on the connotation part of this message. I agree because like you said there are a ton of words that have multiple meanings and could easily change what you think of something. I also like how you used the android and iPhone example because it really gave me a better understanding of how people automatically could think iPhone because it's so popular.

    2. I agree that some words can be synonymous to one another but hold different connotations much like the words “sad” and “depressed”. With that being said, it makes perfect sense that the name of something holds a great importance when it comes to naming an item meant to be put out for sale. If the item has a name that holds a negative connotation to it then it is likely that the product will not sell in mass quantities. Thus, I agree that if we were to call smartphones “trackers” than many people would no longer want to own them.

    3. I completely agree that the connotation part. There are so many words with a ton of different meaning that definitely influence the way we see it. This being said it is obvious that if they names smartphones trackers nobody would really want them.

  11. I believe that it does influence your thought process and how you view and use the item. In the article it explained how your phone is not a phone but a tracker. If phones were known as trackers then people would not think a tracker could do so many features. For example, if you say I'm playing angry birds on my tracker it does not really make sense, but if you replace tracker with phone then it sounds more reasonable. Although that might not be the best example I do believe it changes how people think of an item. I do not really think they would use it differently because if a tracker has apps you will probably still play or use the apps. Changing the name of something will only make you think of something different but will not change the whole item.

    1. I agree with what you said that changing the name of thing will not make the whole item change. Because we can change the name of anything but it will still be the same thing. However we should consider that there are people who do start to think different about things just because they are named or worded in a distinct way.

  12. The names that are given to things do have an impact on how they are perceived, for the simple fact that every person has a different perspective over things. In this case calling cell phones, “trackers” gives people a different opinion towards the product, for this instance on how they are going to be used. Some people will feel scared and uncomfortable using the device, because know he/she will be thinking that they are being observed. On the other hand people are not going to care because they are already associate it as a communication device or as a form of entertainment. People also have to consider their personal experiences with certain things, we can’t be scared or think differently about something if we don’t have a reason to do so. In the case of changing the name of something that at the beginning was introduced as something not harmful to the people, it will be very difficult to see a big change on how it being used.

    1. I agree, it wouldn't affect people as much because they already have an idea on what a cell phone is used for. That being said, I do think that it would still affect the use of cell phones somewhat because it would be almost shoved in a person's face saying that the device is constantly tracking them, which would likely make people a little more cautious when using it.

  13. Its obvious that the name of something affects the way people feel about it. Calling your smartphone a robot can easily alarm you to the fact that you have no idea what else is going on with the device. Robots could be doing something with your own private information that you have not shared with anyone, like in the notes on an Iphone, can be very scary. Where would the robot send the information and who else would be able to view it?

    1. I agree with you. Why would someone buy something that is going to be tracking them. They wouldn't want something to see everything they buy or look up. This idea is very scary to think about.

  14. The name of things definitely influences the way we feel about it. If smartphones were called trackers like the article stated then everyone would be too creeped out to get one. Nobody wants to be tracked or watched, so why would they get something that's labeled as a tracker? Also they wouldn't know who or what is going through their personal information on their phones, or who is even tracking them, and just the thought of that is super terrifying. Labeling them as smartphones was super smart because everyone is going to want a something that makes accessing information so easy.

    1. I do have to agree with what you’re saying. Everyone would dislike the name, and even feel violated, because if they are being tracked, their personal information can be breached as well. People do not want information shared, despite if it happens to everyone. A lot of people see cell phones as something personal to them, they put whatever information they have in there, and do not like others going through it. So, I imagine they would not like it if they are being tracked every second as long as they have the phone.

    2. I agree with you. People wouldn't know what to think when using the device. People would be too scared to even buy the device not knowing who is watching, tracking, or seeing what they are doing.

  15. It is believable that altering the name of cell phone’s (and any other device) will influence one of thinking. When cell phone’s come to mind, people do not quickly assume about cell phones having trackers and being tracked every second. Instead, they think of them as a way to communicate with others, having fun and posting pictures with friends. They think of it in a positive way, and desire to get the latest updates of it. There is no fear in purchasing a phone most of the time. Though, if the name was different, perhaps people would assume cell phone’s differently. For example if it was indeed called a tracker, people would have negative connotations towards it and hesitate buying one. People do not feel comfortable of knowing they are being tracked, and would not like the government (or whoever tracking them) to divulge into their information. People put their credit cards information, passwords, private information on their phone and would no be pleased with the fact that they are being tracked.

    1. I agree with you, almost everyone uses phones now a days and need it for either work or school or just using social media. When people hear the work “cellphones” they think about talking to others and not being watched by their phones. If the name was changed I think people would second guess buying them.

    2. I totally agree with you. If we were to change the names we would not need any passwords because it will not be private anymore. We only have these different name so that no one can truly prove the government is tracking us. What if we change the name to trackers everybody would know but a lot of people just want to do night if we were to change the names we would not need any passwords because it will not be private anymore. We only have these different name so that no one can truly prove the government is tracking us. What if we change the name to trackers everybody would know but a lot of people just want to denine the act of the matter.

    3. I agree with you because the name is important when explaining an object to someone. Especially when it comes to cellphones, almost everyone has them and it gets scary once you tell them about it being a tracker. Less people would get it. Which is what is happening in the book.

  16. The name of something can really change the way you or someone else views something. If someone was to ask someone to try cocaine but called it fairy dust that person is a lot more likely to try it. So if someone named a smartphone a tracker then people would probably use it a lot more different than if they were called minicomputers. You wouldn’t look up the same things you would on the minicomputers, then on the tracker. I think the effect would be people would be a lot more choosing of what they do on this device.

    1. I agree, in a way it can be manipulation to change up a name to make it more positive. People fear about a lot of things nowadays, and can easily not purchase something they are afraid about. But if it changed into something that sounds decent, and pretty much has no negative vibes to, people are bound to try it out.

    2. I agree with your statement especially when you said, “The name of something can really change the way you or someone else views something.” Even though I myself and many other people probably would not snort something even if it was called fairy dust. People would still be convinced into doing something bad with an appropriate name change.

  17. Yes, when a change is made to the name of a commonly used object it definitely distorts the persona someone has of that object. That being said changing the name of any smartphone to “personal tracker” or anything else would change anyone's opinion since almost everyone knows and has excepted that we are tracked all day. While changing Obamacare's name to something like “death panels” would most likely change people’s outlook on Obamacare. They would begin to question it more than they would have when just reading Obamacare. If smartphones were renamed to be called “tracking devices” people would not treat them any differently. Smartphones have become to much of a necessity to be taken out of today's society or to even be replaced by the common flip phone.

    1. I disagree Kyle because this article was written 6 years ago. Six years we were just finding out that we were being tracked. Maybe not now but six years ago it would have caused people to react differently then they do now. If they called phones trackers six years ago people would probably be hesitant and maybe say no to the device.

  18. To many people the name of a object has an influence on what they think about it. When people think of "cellphones" they see it as a way of communicating with their family and friends. If cellphones were to be called "Trackers," people would have a negative vibe to it because no one wants to feel like their private life is being stalked by anyone. There would be a decline in the devices and people would switch to prepaid devices to make sure their personal life is kept private.

    1. I agree many people believe that the phone can help us, but really it’s just taking all of our information. This could be a huge issue with people who keep everything on their phones. Although we all seem to need a phone it still is scary to think what is stores within it.

    2. When many people think of a certain product with a popular name brand they do not consider the risks at the moment. So as time goes on then consumers start to realize the consequences of their purchase. This does no t just include cellphones this could also go for WIFI as well.

    3. I agree with you because of the fact that supply will decline and manufactures will be forced to switch the name of their devices just to please the consumers. When buying a product people usually do a background of the pros and cons of what the product has to offer. So the positive advertisement would be better and it will be better saying its just a calling device rather than saying its a tracking device.

  19. The name of something greatly influences someone's thinking of the product at mind. For example when something new comes out in the market that is being sold if it has the name of a popular brand or person in the media, then, buyers are going to want to buy the item just because of the name. As for "smartphones" teenagers use them because just hearing the name "flip-phone" just bring it up seems like a fad and most teenagers want to be trendy. Some teenagers do not think twice of what actually goes on when a phone is on and what a smartphone actually does. If the names of "smartphones" changes to "hidden tracker" then maybe kids would be a little more cautious while using their phones. Eben Moglen a law professor at Colombia University questions, "If we are naive to think of them as phones, what should we call them?". This question should be thought about more thoroughly because not just teenagers but adults do not know what is going on. In the future cell phone users should be more aware of what is going on in their surroundings.

  20. The name of an electronic smart product will decipher whether or not you want to buy it in the long run. People will no longer buy flip phones or blackberries because it’s not what everyone else is using. Everyone wants to use iPhones and Samsung’s because it is a brand name. People don’t know their being tracked on these devices because being tracked is listed in the middle of app policies, so you don’t bother to read them. Cellphones are a way of talking to people over the phone. Smartphones are meant for playing games, taking pictures, and texting. Calling is becoming outdated because more and more people text each other

    1. i agree with the factor that people go after brand names, its better to say iphone rather than a tracker.i agree with most the uses of phones but no one thinks about being tracked.

  21. People see things as one way until they are shown a different way of seeing things. In the article “That’s No Phone. That’s My Tracker” by Maass and Rajagopalan it’s shows many ways how our so called phones are just a way that they can keep track of everything we do. Phones keep track of your location all the time and know what’s near your area. Although this might seem very helpful it can also be really scary to think about. If people really think about it your phone (aka tracker) knows everything about them.

    1. Well I believe that people know that their phones are tracking them and holding vital information about them, but I don't believe people are that aware of it because it's more of an afterthought. Our phones aren't only used as trackers, they have tons of purposes so I think it wouldn't make that much sense to call it a tracker and that the appropriate name is still a smart phone and not tracker. Smart phone sort of encompasses everything our phone can do.

    2. I totally agree one other thing that I would like to mention is how sometimes we neglect the way we use not just phones in our everyday life without noticing. We never really care about something until something terribly wrong has happened for example hacking. And ow dangerous phones can really be.

    3. I believe in what you were saying because with a different name it will show people as a fresh new start and it will act as if it was brand new. Also this can be used as a tracker so if we change the name people will just know that the government is watching us and it will be such something to hide. I agree that it is scary but what if it truly helped us find someone or stop terrorist.

  22. Although society claims “never judge a book by its cover,” a name is ultimately the start of a foundation that establishes the way people view that object. If a name is changed, it definitely has the power to alter a person’s perception of it. This is because people are naturally quick to judge, and most decisions are made based on people’s personal judgements. For example, the article mentions the terms “cellphone” and “smartphone” being inadequate names because they don’t accurately embody all that phones are capable of. Most people who own smartphones don’t understand the true power they hold because the name “smartphone” makes it sound amazing and convenient, but the name doesn’t fully reveal what they can do. People put huge amounts of their personal information on their phones because the name implies it is a trustworthy source to hold that information. In reality, phones can be easily hacked and this information could be used against you through blackmail or worse if is is caught in the wrong hands. If the name was changed to “tracker” a lot of questions would be put to the test and the way that society feels about technology would most likely be changed. It would also cause many people to put their guard up and start being more cautious with the ways they use their phones. If changing the name actually does end up changing the way people think about it, people will still use smartphones since they are such a huge part of today’s society, but the excessive ways in which people use them may decline.

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  24. When a certain name it is able to help the brand more if is has a unique type of name. This does influence the way that people think about it because if it doesn’t stand out nobody will buy the product or even consider using it. If we change the devices name it will be as if it was new and it will help to change the way people look at the devices. This is to help the government. If we were to change the name to trackers it would not help because truckers are you come out and have a bad name on them so nobody would want to buy them.

  25. The name that we put on something does have an affect on the meaning, because it is our point of view and our interpretations of what we think it is. Like the cellphone, or the name. Nowadays when someone uses the word phone you think about the thing you use to call, or act like you're doing something. When being told about a phone it would sound more appealing to say a cellphone rather than it just being about tracking or being surveillance by the government. Changing the name of an object will have an affect on people or the way the society will use it. They will be more careful.

    1. I agree with when you said,"changing the name of an object will have an affect on people or they way the society will use it", because if the device were to have a bad name it will be very unsettling to the user. It would make them think twice on buying the phone. It will definitely a topic brought up before buying the phone.

  26. When a company come out with a new product they are always think about how they will appeal to the people. Let's face it, naming is everything. Honestly if our phones were named tracker it will appeal bad for the public eye. It would cause hysteria for the public and some people will think twice before purchasing the phone. For the phone company it would be bad for sales and their product probably will fail. If they were to rename phones we would appreciate the truth. But sometimes the truth is unsettling. So for phone companies to make an euphemism of a name it benefits them in the end.

  27. Names in most cases play a major role in the way that the public perceives an item. For more basic items such as articles of clothing or eating utensils, a change in the name would most likely not have much of an effect on the consumer. In terms of a phone being called a tracker however, it would drastically change the way people view phones. They would fear the fact that it is a device not necessarily for recreational use, but instead is used for the government to watch its citizens. However, the name of an object may not change the way that it is used, but it would have an effect on the marketing of it. If phones were to be sold under the name of trackers, then people would think twice before purchasing the device. Ultimately, these devices will still be used no matter what the name may be, as they play a major role in society. Changing the name to "tracker" would be unsettling to many, but it is almost a necessity to own a phone in this day in age.

    1. i agree with you that people would be hesitant to buy phones if they were called trackers but then again it wouldnt be a ncessity if eveyone just chose not to buy a phone. it would be scarier having a tracker vs a phone and i agree that it would change the way consumers view phones.

  28. The name of something definitely influences the way we think about things. If cell phones were known as tracker or robot, people would be hesitant to purchase them. People would not completely trust in the companies due to the words having a negative connotation in the technology world. Nowadays, there is a growing concern that the government is attempting to gain more control over us by secretly spying on us using cameras, trackers, etc. With the name, “robot”, it can be associated with a bug going through your phone and stealing all your personal information such as: texts, photos, documents, etc. “Tracked” is a scary word. The thought of being constantly tracked by complete strangers can be terrified and i would not expect people to stay away from a smartphone with this name. Most people would continue to use the devices if the names were changed, but there may be a few people who would cease to use the re-named devices.

    1. I completely agree with your statement about the government. If a larger percentage of the population realized that phones were trackers, they would start to rebel against it. This would cause a loss of income, which is not what the government wants.

  29. Yes, people base their mindsets and impressions on the name or looks of everything around us. For example, drugs, it sounds more intriguing and interesting to say angel powder then saying cocaine. For phones and phone company’s, it’s better to inform people by saying we keep your information for emergency rather than saying we’re watching you. The effect would be greater than humans could imagine, our brains are wired to connect the word “robot” to a bad concept but connect the word “phone” to something that satisfies our brains desires. People would rather buy a cellular device or smart phone rather than a tracking device or a robot that knows your every move.

    1. I agree, our brains are programmed a specific way to believe that whatever we have been taught is true. We can make certain decisions for ourselves. Everything that is labeled is what we know it as when in reality it could be a lot more or it can be different than what we have always been taught.

  30. The way that we name certain objects or situations definitely influences the way that we view or think about them . When we give something a title or label it can manipulate the way that we look at it in a positive or negative light. For example, when we label drugs as drugs, society may look at it in a harmful way. Such as slang for medical marijuana when people and adults call it “weed” or “The devils lettuce” to frown upon the substance, while others could label it as medical and argue that it can be used as a stress reliever and treatment to sick or injured patients. The same goes for phones and trackers, because when society realizes that their phones are used as trackers, it may cause mass hysteria and public outcry. We use labels as control mechanisms.
