Monday, February 12, 2018

AOW#5:Are We Living '1984'?

AOW#5:Are We Living '1984'?

First Response Post (Due Thursday, midnight)

solid blog response includes a well-formed opinion that references the text and your own experiences. It shouldn’t repeat a previous comment BUT extend the thinking beyond what’s already posted. ­
·         Grammar, spelling, and mechanics count
·         Self-check your post for clarity of thought
·         Keep in 3rd person
·         Avoid repeating the same information

 TWO Follow Up Response Posts (Due Monday, midnight)
Select another student’s post and begin with whether or not you agree or disagree with their side. Extend the discussion with a new idea; don’t just repeat or summarize what the other person already posted. 

Question - In the afterword, the commentator describes 1984 as a "warning." Indeed, throughout the text, Orwell plants both subtle and overt warnings to the reader.  What do you think are some of the larger issues at hand here? How can we protect our society from the horrors of 1984?

Monday, February 5, 2018

AOW#4:We're Living '1984' Today

AOW#4:We're Living '1984' Today

First Response Post (Due Tuesday, midnight)

solid blog response includes a well-formed opinion that references the text and your own experiences. It shouldn’t repeat a previous comment BUT extend the thinking beyond what’s already posted. ­
·         Grammar, spelling, and mechanics count
·         Self-check your post for clarity of thought
·         Keep in 3rd person
·         Avoid repeating the same information

 TWO Follow Up Response Posts (Due Thursday, midnight)
Select another student’s post and begin with whether or not you agree or disagree with their side. Extend the discussion with a new idea; don’t just repeat or summarize what the other person already posted. 

Question - How else are we living the dystopian society in 1984? Can you think of other ways in which our society exemplifies what Orwell was warning us against? Use the article or the novel to supply textual evidence for your response.